Ego Multi-Tool

Our battery Ego Multi-Tools are lighter and less bulky than a comparable petrol engine and they are quieter, with less vibrations and no emissions. The Ego Multi-Tool gives you the ultimate taste of freedom when compared with electric garden tools. As you won’t need to worry about working within range of a power supply and there’ll be no electric cables. Cordless power is at the very least, a safer more convenient choice. With the advances in battery technology our range of Multi-Tools deliver equivalent power to the petrol counterparts too. With the battery backpack options offering heavy duty designs and meeting maximum runtimes.  Carrying the weight on your back rather than on the actual machine itself. We have multi-tools for all types of gardening with the EGO MHSC2002E Multi-Tool Set a perfectly balanced, high-performance, battery-powered combi trimmer with the power output is the equivalent of a 25cc petrol engine.  The adaptable and lightweight, with the Stiga MT 100e multi tool, there’s no need to climb ladders to take care of tall bushes and trees.

Importantly Ego’s after sales service is excellent supported by an impressive  5 year product warranty with a 3 year battery warranty.

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